
Image of a white woman smiling excitedly and looking down into the camera with her brown hair flying upright, and a maple tree is behind her with a blue sky, and a rainbow of light is shining in front of her face.

Hi! My name is Jen K. (she/her). I am a writer and artist. Momu Monsters is a home for all of my creative work to live under one roof, and also a way to keep my creativity flowing, learning and growing.

I am interested in all manner of creativity and am passionate about trying new craft. I have experience in photography, pottery, hand sewing my own little creatures from recycled fabrics, blacksmithing, making my own music, painting/drawing, and of course – writing.

Currently, I am a writer/producer for Jam Roll Studios.

I have a masters in Journalism & Mass Communication, and a B.A. in English with minors in philosophy/sociology. My background also includes years spent in the PR/advertising/marketing world, working for both non-profits and small businesses, working in the retail industry and food service, learning the ins-and-outs of television production and journalism, museum archiving and blacksmithing, apprenticeship at a sustainable farm, volunteering and teaching.

I also have a wealth of personal lived experience in caregiving, in making connections and bringing empathy and understanding to the messiness of life.

Poetry is my love, and I am a poet in heart and body. I am continuously interested in the relationship between art and caregiving and disability, and how the needs of a creative life changes over time.

I live with chronic illness and I am learning how to approach life from that reality. I consider myself a disabled person, and I am learning how to pace and how to approach life/work in a more healing way that works for me and my family. Shout out to the disability community for their wealth of knowledge, understanding and ways to keep people safe not only during this ongoing pandemic, but always.

My Foundations

​Rest. Bodily Autonomy. Boundaries. Consent. Accountability. Vulnerability. Compassion. Positive parenting. Trauma-informed care. Honoring and holding space to connect more deeply with the Land, my body, and my spirituality.

Honoring my past and my ancestors who came before. Connecting to the folk magic/traditions/medicines that my ancestors practiced and creating my own rituals in these times. Honoring the Land I walk on, while understanding I am living on the ancestral homelands that were stolen from Indigenous peoples.

I am living on the stolen ancestral homeland of the Lenape Nation, Osage Nation, Shawnee, Erie, Iroquois, Munsee, and Susquehannock Indigenous peoples and I support reparations and land back.

Dismantling destructive systems (white supremacy / patriarchy / kyriarchy / colonialism / imperialism / capitalism / ableism / racism / sexism and other “isms” and biases that dehumanize) and re-learning whole and healthy ways to be. 

Redefining motherhood/parenthood for myself, and a strong advocate for trauma-informed, equitable, safe, accessible and holistic maternal healthcare and maternal mental health care for all people everywhere.

A strong advocate for ending the shame, silence, stigma, gaslighting, and harm aimed towards anyone who is a survivor of trauma. I believe that when we share our stories it can lead to community, to understanding, and to real change for a better society. However, when we share our stories, we need to be met with safety, compassion and ongoing support.

Honoring the body of work from disabled, queer, trans, Black, Indigenous, POC writers, thinkers, dreamers and teachers whom I have learned from. Honoring the body of work from spiritual teachers whose work illuminates liberation and collective care and have helped me in my own practice.

Human Rights. 2SLGBTQIA+ rights. Environmental Justice. Economic Justice. Reproductive Justice. Birth Justice. Disability Justice. Intersectional Feminism. Anti-oppression. Abolition and collective liberation. Envisioning a society where everyone is cared for in a sustainable, safe, accessible, equitable and thriving environment. 

Creating wealth, abundance and a foundation of care that meets my needs, while supporting myself, my family and my community.

​+++Living fully in my power, in protection and in love.+++